VI- 24/7 RaidAI: awaking the community storm.
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Twitter raids are an important part of every crypto project, which serve to gain visibility and traction. By organizing Twitter raids, crypto communities can show their support for a project and help it gain more attention. In doing so, the project can reach a larger audience and increase its chances of success. Twitter raids can also help to spread awareness about the project and its features, which can help to attract more investors and users. Ultimately, Twitter raids are a great way for the crypto community to show their support for a project and help it succeed. However, raiding can be a tiring and repetitive task that would be better with the help of automation. Some people use bots directly on Twitter, but they are not efficient: they are quickly blocked by Twitter's moderators. Automating the sharing of Twitter posts and letting the human community work on it would be a significant improvement. That's why CryptoAI designed a powerful tool that combines the best of automation with truly efficient human work.
To use our bot, the team of a crypto project just has to add it to their group (for free) and easily program it to react every time a member of the community tweets with a specific hashtag or ticker. Our bot will then automatically post in the group every last tweet including the hashtag, with a message and an image/video/gif that can be personalized. It will incentivize everyone in the group to raid it and be active. Collaboration between humans and bots is essential for crypto projects as it offers greater productivity and cost savings in the long run. By using our raid bot, the efficiency of Twitter raidings will be greatly improved. That's not all. RaidAI also rewards users for their shilling performance, with its unique system known as RAID TO EARN. Through this system, talented shillers can be rewarded for spreading the word on Twitter. Raid AI's RAID TO EARN system can be setup in any telegram group. To begin a contest in your telegram group, all you have to do is: fund the Raid AI bot provided wallet with ETH, use the /startcomp command, then the bot will ask you to set the total prize for the contest, the contest duration, and you're good to go! The Raid AI bot also has a function to display a dashboard which will contain the twitter accounts with the most tweets, this will aid group owners in selecting a worthy winner of contests, depending on the criteria stated prior to the contest.
After a winner is decided, the group owner will have to use a simple command in the telegram group: /setwinner (@telegram username of the winner), then the bot will request the winner to provide their wallet address to receive the reward, and with the automation of Raid AI, the winner will be sent their prize automatically without interference of human. Just like our other bots, an advertising system will be included. Because it's free to add to any group, it will spread quickly and add value to the ads. More value means more revenue redistributed to the stakers. Let's now take a look at our sixth bot, which will help you to become a better trader.